By default Web is stateless because of HTTP protocol. Stateless means every request is identified as new request. If Asp.Net controls are used , they write code implicitly to maintain their state.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
What is Code-Behind Method?
In this method we separate aspx code and Html/JS code into two separate files.
How many types of Web Server controls in
There are nine type of web server controls in Visual Studio 2010. Those are
1. Standard Controls
2.Data Controls
3.Validation Controls
4.Navigation Controls
5.Login controls
7.Ajax Extensions
8.Dynamic Data
1. Standard Controls
2.Data Controls
3.Validation Controls
4.Navigation Controls
5.Login controls
7.Ajax Extensions
8.Dynamic Data
What is QueryString in Asp.Net
If we can maintains the State between two pages is known as QueryString .
What is the In-Page Technique in Asp.Net
In this method we will create single file only with .aspx extention. This file will be split into two parts. one part will be ServerSide (s/s) code and remaining part will be design code.
Server side code part is identified not with <% ----%> block but with again <Script> tag with an attribute runat="server".
Server side code part is identified not with <% ----%> block but with again <Script> tag with an attribute runat="server".
How to Consume Application /Session objects for our Project in Asp.Net
We can consume both these objects in two ways
a. In the form of variables for StateManagement.
b. In the form of events using Global.ASAX file.
Global.ASAX File :
- 1. These file is called active server application file and it should be located in root directory of projects.
- 2. A project can have only one Global.ASAX file.
- 3. It is called as application file because for every request first these file is executed and then the requested resource.
- 4. The content of Global.ASAX is all application and session evernts. We can use these file for performing unique tasks related to application.
- 5. By default in an project it is not added . we have to explicitly add it using add new item. For some of the projects Global.ASAX is compulsory and it is added along with project only like MVC, dynamic data project etc.
How to Clear the Gridview using
Source code :
<asp:GridView ID="GridViewID" runat="server"
AllowSorting="true" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
<asp:GridView ID="GridViewID" runat="server"
AllowSorting="true" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
AllowPaging="true" CellPadding="4" DataKeyNames="DemoId" EmptyDataText='No Records Found.'
ForeColor="#333333" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true" ShowFooter="False" Width="100%" PageSize="5">
<EmptyDataRowStyle BackColor="White" BorderWidth="0px" />
<PagerSettings Position="TopAndBottom" />
<RowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="Black" />
<PagerStyle BackColor="White" />
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="False" />
Server-side code:
Private Sub ClearGrid(ByVal gvw As GridView)
gvw.DataSource = Nothing
gvw.EditIndex = -1
End Sub
Call the method in Page Load:
If (Page.IsPostBack = False) Then
End If
Screen shot of clear Gridview when loading the page :
What are the Hierarchical Data Controls in
There are Two types of Hierarchical Data controls
What is Data Control in
There are different Data Controls available
1. Gridview
4. DetailsView
1. Gridview
4. DetailsView
How to validate Server side Controls in Asp.Net
There are six types of server side validations in . those are
1. RequireFieldValidator
2. CompareValidator
What are the State management Techniques in Asp.Net
Webserver remembering the information of the client is known as Statemanagement.
There are different techniques available here
1. ViewState
There are different techniques available here
1. ViewState
How to clear the dropdownlist in ?
If you want to clear the items then
If you want to set the DropDown index to 0 then
Dropdown1.SelectedIndex = 0;
what is difference between Hyperlink and LinkButton
Hyperlink and LinkButton controls look identical. However, there is a significant difference in functionalities.
Hyperlink control :
It is immediately navigates to the target URL when the user clicks on the control. the form is not posted to the server.
LinkButton :
It is first posts the form to the server, then navigates to the URL. If you need to do any server side processing before going to the target URL.
Hyperlink control :
It is immediately navigates to the target URL when the user clicks on the control. the form is not posted to the server.
LinkButton :
It is first posts the form to the server, then navigates to the URL. If you need to do any server side processing before going to the target URL.
What is passport Authentication in
- It is a third party authentication which means we use another website in order to authenticate our user. Client makes a request for a secured web page. IIS allows user as anonymous which is compulsory in order to implement any other authentication method. User enters into ASP.Net and this time it redirects user to website as the user is anonymous and doesn’t hold passport identity. Now passport will return login page to the user. Where user enters credentials and resubmits to passport. Passport checks and creates identity called Passport Identity. After creating identity it redirects the user back to website. Again IIS allows and this time ASP.Net also allows user with security.
What is VSS ? When it is Used ?
Some Important points:
- VSS Stands for Visual Source Safe.
- VSS is nothing but configuration management tool.
- VSS is a virtual library of computer files.
- It is a common Repository.
- In VSS store information like FRS,SRS,Test cases documents.
- In VSS document read only but not modifying.
- If we want to modify that first we need to checkout(download) the require file to our local system then modify the file and then checkin (upload) the modified one.
What is the Authentication in
Ans) The process of verifying user credentials against a data source and create identity for the same Is called Authentication
What is difference between Windows Authentication and Forms Authentication
Ans) Forms Authentication :
· It is used for internet and intranet based Authentication.
· In Forms Authentication user can able to create their own login name and password. It is basically a cookie based authentication system. Which stores the login name and password in database file.
Windows Authentication :
- It is default authentication provided by the .net FrameWork.
- In Windows actual login name and password is used for authentication web pages can make use of the local windows user and Group.
What is PostBack in Asp.Net
When a form submits to itself as it's action then it is called PostBack Form.
<Form> tag has an attribute called Action = < programeName> in order to call the required program on submit.
All forms perform PostBack automatically. We don't write any action attribute only for webforms. During rendering it will automatically write action = < Same FormName>
<Form ID=<Fname> action = < SameForm> runat="Server">
What is Web Gardening in
When we can distribute our application into different processes and same system then it is called as Web Gardening.
What is Page Life cycle of ASP.Net
Set of sub Programs are executed towards each time of web page processing are called Page Life Cycle .
There are some events in
There are some events in
- Page Preinit : This will be executed before memory initialization for webpage.
Example : Attaching theme, Master page dynamically to webpage is possible using preinit event procedure.
- Page Init : This will be executed when memory is initialized for webpage.
- Page Load : This will be executed when submitted data can be placed within page load.
- Page PreRender : This will be executed before rendering HTML content for server side control.
- Page Unload : This will be executed once memory is released for webpage.
What is Cookieless Session? Why? uses cookie for making session id travel. This behavior is default and we can change to some other source also if we don’t want to depend on browser.
Cookieless option is provided by which means session id will travel using other source and that is using URL.
URL also travels between request and response but they are visible in the browser which leads to some changes in programming and also some malfunctioning changes.
During Forms authentication also our ticket travels between request and response using cookie only.same solution i.e URL/URI based ticket is used as alternate for security.
Both are highly encrypted.
<sessionstate timeout=”10” cookieless=”true/false”></sessionstate>
What is Web Forming in
When we can distribute our application into different processes and different systems is called as Web Forming.
What is Panel in Asp.Net
Panel can act as container for other controls. It is a useful control when we want to scroll the content as well as when we dynamically add the control.
It is little conditional for different types of browsers. So check in all browsers when panel is used.
What are the Navigation Controls in Asp.Net
Ans) There are three navigation Controls
a) Menu Control
b) SiteMapPath Control
c) TreeView Control
- Menu Control : It enables you to add navigational functionality to our web pages. The Menu control supports a main menu and Submenus and allows you to define dynamic menus ( Some times called “ Fly-Out” menus)
- SiteMapPath Control: It displays a navigation path that shows the user the current page location and displays links as path back to home page. The control provides many options for customizing the appearance of the links.
- TreeView Control : It displays hierarchical data in a tree structure in a web pages. The TreeView control is made up of tree node objects. TreeView control can be bound to data.
What is Cache in Asp.Net and how many types of Caches in
Programmed memory area for storing some results are called Caching.
It is increase the performance of the application, By avoiding processing. Caching effects integrity if not handled properly.
There are three types of Caching
It is increase the performance of the application, By avoiding processing. Caching effects integrity if not handled properly.
There are three types of Caching
- Page Out Put Caching
- Data Caching
- Fragment Caching
- Page Out put Caching : In this Caching we cache the entire processed page out put. When a user makes request for a page it will be processed and the stores results of that entire page in cache for specific duration. During this time any request will be served from cache. Once the time is elapsed the cache page is removed and next request is processed and cached. This cycle continues for a page resulting in good performance.
First and second requests are automatically maintained by server. But for caching request we have to explicitly cache a page using a directive.
<%@ outputcache Duration=n VaryByparam="none/value">
- Data Caching :
* This is implemented using "Cache Object"
* It is good replacement for application variables/state
* All drawbacks of application variables are resolved using Cache Object.
- Fragment Caching : Fragment Caching means Partial page out put caching. It is a concept but not a command or directive for implementing. We will use the existing concept like Output cache directive and web user control in order to implement this type of caching.
What is XML DTD
DTD Stands for Document Type Declaration. The purpose of a DTD is to define the structure of an XML document.It defines the structure with a list of legal elements.
<! DOCTYPE note
[ <!ELEMENT note(to, from,heading,body)>
<!ELEMENT note to(#PC DATA)>
<!ELEMENT note from (#PC DATA)>
<!ELEMENT note heading(#PC DATA)>
<!ELEMENT note body(#PC DATA)>]>
<! DOCTYPE note
[ <!ELEMENT note(to, from,heading,body)>
<!ELEMENT note to(#PC DATA)>
<!ELEMENT note from (#PC DATA)>
<!ELEMENT note heading(#PC DATA)>
<!ELEMENT note body(#PC DATA)>]>
What is difference between Eval and Bind
Eval : It will retrieve data from Data Object.
Syntax: <%# Eval("FieldName")%>
Bind : It will retrieve data from data object as well as Update the data with data object. It is two may method. It is Conditional.
Syntax: <%# Bind("FieldName")%>
What is DataList in Asp.Net
Ans) DataList provides Design features when compared with Repeater. DataList is a UnStructured control. It also provides RAD features for providing some difficult and customized presentation. It’s unique feature is “Repeating Columns” for every Item Template/Record Data. In Simple terms it displays records in the forms of columns. No other controls have its property. If we want the output like records in columns then go for DataList.
How to communicate webservers with another layers in .Net
Using Protocals like SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocal)
What is difference between User controls and Custom Controls
Ans) User Control:
- · It is predefined attribute functionality where it resides in control library.
- · It is easy to create.
- · Good static Layout.
- · It cannot be added to toolbox in Visual Studio
- · Limited support for customers who use visual design tool.
- · Separate copy of the control is required in each application.
Custom Control :
- · Custom control is defined by user itself and store in custom library.
- · It is harder to create
- · Good dynamic layout.
- · Can be added to toolbox in Visual Studio.
- · Full support for Customers
- · Only a single copy of the control is required in GAC.
What is difference between Machine.Config and Web.Config
Machine.Config : Machine.Config is for all applications and located in .Net FrameWork Folder.
Web.Config : Web.config is only for current application and we can use for our projects.
What are the .Net FrameWork versions and Differences
There are different versions in .net Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 versions.
Main Differences of those is
The first difference of 1.1 and 2.0 :
Next one is 2.0 and 3.0:
Next difference is 3.0 and 3.5 :
Next difference is 3.5 and 4.0 :
Next difference is 4.0 and 4.5
Why PostBack concept is must or forced in
Asp.Net provides State management for it's controls automatically and for this logic it needs a PostBack concept.
What is caching in Asp.Net
Caching is a programmed memory area for storing some results. To increase the performance of the application. By avoiding processing . Caching effects integrity if not handled properly.
There are three types of Caching
1.Page OutPut Caching
2. Data Caching
3. Fragment Caching
There are three types of Caching
1.Page OutPut Caching
2. Data Caching
3. Fragment Caching
What are the Gridview Events in ASP.Net
There are different types of gridview Events . Those are
What is difference between Master page and Web User Control
Ans) Master Page :
- Both are code reduce features and reusability.
- Master page are used to provide consistent layout and common behavior for multiple pages in our application then we can add the content place holder to add child pages custom content.
- It extension is .Master
WebUser controls :
· Same process in Web user controls also.
· User controls are used when we have requirement on specific criteria.
· Sometimes we need the functionality in our pages which is not possible using the built-in web server controls then user can create his own controls called user controls using built-in controls.
· It ‘s extension is .ASCX
How to change the textbox boarder style in .net?
I can to change the boarder style of the textbox.
the syntax to change the boarder style.
txtbox1.BorderStyle =
txtbox1.BorderWidth = 1
txtbox1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
txtbox1.BorderWidth = 1
txtbox1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.solid
txtbox1.BorderWidth = 1
What is Cross page PostBack in Asp.Net
This concept is added in Asp.Net 2.0 and allows user to submit page content to different page instead of same page.This leads to loading a new page. In this method also current page values are implicitly (Without any option) transferred.
PostBackurl property for PostBack control can be used for this page.
PostBackurl property for PostBack control can be used for this page.
What are the tabular Data Controls in Asp.Net
There are Five Tabular Data Controls
What is the Anonymous Authentication in Asp.Net
Ans) If we set anonymous access at IIS level for a web application then user need not give any credentials but still identity will be provided with auto-generated username/password. We can also specify particular username/password for our users. The it is called Anonymous Authentication.
To get the requested page which method will use in .Net
a) Request.url
b) Response.url
c) Request.web.UI.url
a) Request.url
b) Response.url
c) Request.web.UI.url
What is ASP.Net
Ans) is a technology providing set of specifications towards web based application development, This technology comes with .net supports different types of Web Applications.
· Normal Web Application : Web page towards PC based browser.
· Mobile Web Application : Web page towards mobile device micro browser.
· Web Services : Developing Business logic towards business to business implementation.
· Ajax Web Application : Developing web pages with ajax specification then will avoid complete page submission and reloading webpage.
What is Smart Navigation in Asp.Net
Ans) Smart Navigation is the basically enhances a web pages performance by doing the following.
- It eliminates the flash caused during navigation.
- It persists scroll position during post backs between pages.
- It Retains the lasts page information in the history of the browser.
Where we can store the Cookie values and Session values in
Cookie values can be stored in client Side and Session values can stored in Server Side
What is Size of Object in .Net
NO fixed for object and Based on the requirement we can set the size for object.
What is Forms Authentication in Asp.Net
- In Forms Authentication only performs authentication using the data source defined by user. It is most suitable for commercial web application or internet based application.
- Client makes the request for secured web page.
- IIS will allow the user as anonymous and redirects the user to
- Now checks for forms authentication ticket, in absence sends login.aspx page to client. This page should be created by user and it should be also be in root directory of application.
- Client enters the required credentials and resubmits the same to (via IIS) process the form and creates forms authentication ticket.
- Now redirects secured page to user.
What is Gridview in Asp.Net
Gridview control is a structural control and it is in tabular format like Rows and Columns
· It has very rich features like sorting, paging, editing and updating are provided in “RAD” (Rapid application Development) as well as in programmatic model. In project, we use programmatic model not RAD.
· The first feature of Gridview is “AutoGeneratingColumn” based on data objects. It has a property called “AutoGeneratingColumn” by default is TRUE. When this is set to False. No output is produced by Gridview on its own.
· Gridview provides a collection called “Columns” where we can provide it’s structure
· Column is a collection of Gridiew Fields which are also provided by Gridview.
Important Fields of Gridview are
--- BoundField
--- TemplateField
--- CommandField
- BoundField : BoundField is the simplest among all fields and it is used to present data objects one field data. It is simple in presentation i.e Simple text can be displayed and also limited in options.
- TemplateField : Unless BoundField, TemplateField is more rich in presenting output’s and it is complex with many options “ it is a collection of Templates”
Every Template has a use and we have to understand the use of template and produce the Output.
It is also an attribute based and if a task can be performed using an attribute then it is preferred.
“TemplateField or It’s templates doesn’t have any attribute for getting data object or data(like datafield of BoundField) So to get data from data object templateField used “ Data binding Expression”
There are three main templates in TemplateField
a) Header Template
b) Item Template
c)Edit Template
- CommandField : This field will display edit,update,delete and cancel action buttons. It is exclusively used for editing actions for Gridview data.
This field is also dependent on edit index. It display edit/delete when editIndex is “-1” for all rows and for n th row is displays update and cancel.
what is Handler in
A Handler is a program that is written and integrated with IIS/Run time. Handlers are provided by web server/server side softwares and finally they can be created by user.
What are the three Validation controls in
Three validation Controls in
Those are
1. RequiredField Validator
2. Regular Expression Validator
3. Compare Validator
Ajax three controls in Asp.Net
there are Two technquies in Ajax.
- Server side ajax controls
- Client side ajax controls
- Server side ajax control:
- Script Manager
- Update panel
- Client Side controls
- MaskedTextbox
- Calender control
- tab control
and also different controls is there in Ajax.
What is Machine.Config in Asp.Net
Machine.Config : Machine.Config is for all applications and located in .Net FrameWork Folder.
What is starting Event of Session in Asp.Net
void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs when a new session is started
Is Validation controls validate Server side or Client Side in Asp.Net
Ans) Both. Based on the Requirement we can using validations at Server side or Client Side
What is In-Process Session in ASP.NET
By default sessions are maintained as in-process session which means they are within the application process and also dependent on application for load balancing and other options
What is Out-Process Session in ASP.Net
Out process means sessions are maintained separately with another process then which leads to session independent of application.
What is impersonation in Asp.Net
Ans) The process of providing an identity with sername/password at application level or IIS level is called Impersonationg users or Impersonation.
<Identity impersonate=”true” username=”guru” password=”123”/>
How to populate DataGrid from Dataset in
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new Sqlconnection("User id =sa; pwd="123" server="ServerName" DataBase="DataBaseName");
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * form employee" ,con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
dataGrid.DataSource =ds.tables[0].DefaultView;
what is difference between DataSet.copy() and DataSet.clone()
DataSet.copy() :
DataSet.Clone() :
DataSet ds; //This is containing Data table schema.
DataSet ds1;
ds1= ds.clone();
- DataSet.Copy() method copies both the structure and data.
<pre lang="cs">
DataSet dswtihdata;
DataSet dsnew;
DataSet.Clone() :
- DataSet.clone() method copies the structure of the DataSet including all the datatable schemas, relations and constraints.
- But Doen't copy any data.
DataSet ds; //This is containing Data table schema.
DataSet ds1;
ds1= ds.clone();
what is difference between Typed DataSet and UnTyped DataSet
We can generate typed DataSet based on single table or multiple tables which are related by using primary or foreign key relationships through visual studio which generates a XSD File. This is strongly typed in-memory cache of data.
Untyped DataSet is one which is filled/generated using a DataAdapter and a command object.
Untyped DataSet is one which is filled/generated using a DataAdapter and a command object.
What is difference between Cookie and Session in Asp.Net
- Cookie support only plain text representation
- Cookie is having limitations in terms of number and size
- Cookie doesn't provide Security
- Cookie will reduce burden on server compared to Session
- Session support representing object
- Session doesn't have limitation for number and size
- Session provides security
What is MultiTargetting in .Net
One of the greate feature of .net/ is multitargetting .net platform. Every VS Version or every program that we write can target specific .net Platform starting from V2.0
What is Web Server in Asp.Net? Why?
Web server is a software which runs as services under server model operating system and which is responsible to serve all requests made in the form of HTTP.
All web applications must and should run under web server environment only. If any body wants to create a new website. They must have web server installed and then create websiteHow to open new window using ?
Protected Sub lbnDemo_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me.Page, Me.GetType(), "window", "ViewInternalID();", True)
Catch ex As Exception
SetUserMessage(ex.Message, MessageType.ErrorMessage)
End Try
End Sub
<script type="text/javascript">
function ViewInternalID()
{" Default .aspx",'_blank','width=800px,height=500px,scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable');
how to fix column width of gridview in ?
protected void gridView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
for (int i = 0; i < gridView1.Columns.Count; i++)
e.Row.Cells[i].Attributes.Add("Style", "Width:25px");
How to populate the Gridview in page in Asp.Net
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new Sqlconnection("User id =sa; pwd="123" server="ServerName" DataBase="DataBaseName");
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * form employee" ,con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Gridview1.DataSource =ds;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new Sqlconnection("User id =sa; pwd="123" server="ServerName" DataBase="DataBaseName");
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * form employee" ,con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Gridview1.DataSource =ds;
What is Web.Config and use in Asp.Net
Web.Config : Web.config is only for current application and we can use for our projects.
What is IDE’S?
We write Html using a simple texual editor i.e NotePad. In general most of developers use "Integrated development Environment" for developing an application. Prior to we had ASP for web development. Which had no IDE of it's own . ASP.Net form the day it is related it has it's own IDE which is one of the world class IDE called Visual Studio .Net" . VS.Net is not .net but it is an IDE for .Net.
VS.Net has so many features to make application development faster and simpler. From .Net 3.0 version M.S added another IDE for ASP.Net as well as for other .Net based development and that is "MS Expression".
This tool/IDE is more meant for designing issues @ higher level and it is highly recommended to use these tools for developing versions types of application.
what is difference between Cell Spacing and Cell Padding
Cell Spacing :
Space between cell border.
Cell Padding :
Space between cell border and cell content.
Space between cell border.
Cell Padding :
Space between cell border and cell content.
What is Master page ? Why?
Master pages are used to provide consistent Layout and common behavior for multiple pages in our application. Then we can add content placeholder to add child pages custom content.
what is difference between String and StringBuilder
String :
- String is the Immutable.
- Data value may not be changed and variable value may be changed.
- We can use the memory size is cannot be increased.
- Namespace of the String is System.Text.
- StringBuilder is mutable.
- Data value may be changed and also variable value may be changed.
- Which we can used for memory size is can be increased like append, insert and etc......
- StringBuilder is faster than Strings.
- NameSpace of the StringBuilder is System.Text.StringBuilder.
What is Cookie and how many types of Cookies in Asp.Net
Cookie: Cookie is a small amount of memory used by web server within client system.
- The main purpose is maintaining personal information of client within Client system to reduce burden on server.
cookie can be classified into two types
- In-Memory Cookie
- Persistent Cookie
In-Memory Cookie : The Cookie placed within browser process memory is called In-Memory Cookie
- It is temporary Cookie specific to browser instance. Once browser will be closed ,Cookie will be erased.
- Cookie data will be accessible to all the web pages with client request.
- .Net providing HTTPCookie class for sending Cookie or Reading Cookie
Sending Cookie :
example: Httpcookie obj= new httipcookie("n")
//Cookie can represent only String data.
//It will send cookie to client Browser.
Reading Cookie submitted by Client (Browser) :
Example: HttpCookie obj=null;
//It returns cookie class object
//If cookie is available with request
//no cookie submitted
//returs Cookie value
Persistent Cookie : Cookie placed with in hard disk memory of client system is called persistent cookie.
- This will be maintained by client system with particular life time .[Life time will be 1 min,1 hour, 1 year .........]
- Once Life time is finished cookie will be erased by client system operating system.
example: Httpcookie obj = new Httpcookie("n");
obj.expires=DateTime.Now.AddDay(2) // lifetime is 2 days
//Persistent cookie= in-memory cookie + Life time
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