Wednesday 23 April 2014

What is the StateFull control in

 By default Web is stateless because of HTTP protocol. Stateless means every request is identified as new request. If Asp.Net controls are used , they write code implicitly to maintain their state.

What web server we use for Environment

IIS webServer or Casini WebServer.

What is Code-Behind Method?

In this method we separate aspx code and Html/JS code into two separate files.

How many types of Web Server controls in

 There are nine type of web server controls in Visual Studio 2010. Those are
1. Standard Controls
2.Data Controls
3.Validation Controls
4.Navigation Controls
5.Login controls
7.Ajax Extensions
8.Dynamic Data

What is QueryString in Asp.Net

If we can maintains the State between two pages is known as QueryString .

What is ASP.Net 4.0 Features

1. MEF 
2.DLR Runtime( Dynamic Runtime)

How many languages Supports

Asp.Net Supported 44 languages